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Backyard Growth

Tulsa, OKEnactus in South Africa - The community of Bhuga in South Africa’s Mpumalanga province is often overlooked. Many who live there are unemployed and living in poverty. While many people in South Africa aren’t even aware of the area, Oral Roberts University’s business Enactus Club is aware. This summer, it’s planning to launch Backyard Growth, a program designed to equip women in the community with the tools needed to start a poultry business.

“This is the first project Enactus has taken outside of the United States,” said Faith Makoni, Admin and Logistics Director, and Project Manager for Enactus. “We hope to see this community rise above the poverty line and live a better life than they are now.”

Enactus is a community of student, academic and business leaders, whose purpose is found in their name; “En” standing for entrepreneurial, “act” standing for action, and “us” standing for the organization. Backyard growth is a revenue generating project that is designed to empower 10 women in Bhuga to grow and sell chickens to local stores. Enactus will help to market the products and purchase the land. The project will run for one year. Each month, Enactus will receive a land usage fee of $10 over the 12-month period.

Enactus needs help getting the project started. As you’ll see, it’s pretty inexpensive but could pay big dividenORU Enactus Boardds in helping these women out of poverty. Enactus is accepting donations to purchase the land and materials to kick start the project. The items needed include 20 T-shirts ($180), 1000 egg trays ($245), opening inventory ($284), 10 tablet computers ($400), miscellaneous equipment ($302), and land ($360). Enactus has already received a donation of $500, which will primarily go to purchasing the land.

To make a donation and find out more about the project, visit http://oruenactus.org/portfolio-items/backyard-growth, or email faithmakoni@oru.edu.


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